Blasting work

INTRODUCTION OF BLASTING WORK SERVICES • Blasting work in quarries Crushing rock by means of blasting has been a special service offered by our team for decades. We operate a drilling rig that enables us to drill holes of the required diameter, at the necessary angles, quickly, effectively and with quality. We should emphasise that we guarantee the required disintegration of the rock necessary to ensure problem-free operation of the crushing equipment and other machinery used in quarries. For blasting work we use non-electrical systems that enable us to trigger explosives at different times, ensuring that the rock is sufficiently disintegrated and reducing the unwanted effect of seismic waves on the surrounding environment. Our rich experience and the above-mentioned materials, equipment and methods, combined with our expertise, assure that we have what it takes to crush the various rocks in Estonian quarries. We offer a complete service that includes design work of the blasting as well as obtaining the necessary permits and approvals. Our current clients include Rõstla and Otissaare quarries in Jõgevamaa and Harku quarry in Harjumaa also Reinu quarrie in Raplamaa and Võhmuta quarrie in Lääne-Virumaa. • Preparing a route for infrastructure systems Even hard bedrock on the planned path of a pipeline or a road, it is no obstacle for us. Our experience allows us to prepare the ground in the necessary site and, if necessary, in the very proximity of the facility and carry out the explosion while ensuring that all structures remain sound, and protecting local people from noise. The best example of our work is involvement in Estonia ‘s largest-ever infrastructure blasting project – Laagna road that was cut into the limestone of Lasnamäe. • Demolition of structures, dredging of seabed by blasting Our team is always ready to carry out various specialised blasting projects. They are enthusiastic professionals and every project is approached with care and preparation. By now, our team has completed a number of challenging projects which include several projects that can be called masterworks. The most spectacular are demolition of ice on the Pirita river to free the river during winter, demolition of empty concrete buildings in the town of Paldiski, demolition of the water tower of the former Tallinn Shiprepair Company on the corner of Mere boulevard and Sadama street , and dredging work in the Tallinn Passenger Port and Heltermaa Port.